How to Create a Project/App on Desktop
Click the "Create New" button.
Uploading Your Content
Audio/Video File: Upload a file directly from your device.
Text: Paste a block of text to use as context (like text from an article, company description, etc)
Future Support: We are working on supporting other forms of content uploads in the future.
Important Note: Videos must be talking videos as videos without sound, just music or only sound effects in the background will not work.
You may see an error message like "I wasn't able to find specific themes or topics directly from the uploaded files, which would help in generating a relevant title. Please provide additional details or upload the exact transcript you want the title for." or similar.
Choosing AI Cards or Templates
Select AI Card/Template: Choose the AI Card or Template you want Alphana to use based on your input files. Check out our articles about AI Cards to learn more about your content creation options.
Generating Your Content
Hit Generate: Click the generate button.
Wait for Processing: Wait times are generally 60-90 seconds. Longer videos or larger files may take more time.
Email Notification: If you don’t want to wait, Alphana will email you when your content is ready.
Viewing Your New Content
Refresh the Page: Once you receive the notification, refresh the page to see your new content.