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How to use your own OpenAI API key in Alphana (BYOK)
How to use your own OpenAI API key in Alphana (BYOK)

Learn how to use your own OpenAI API key in Alphana, manage usage, and understand the benefits and limitations of the BYOK feature.

Sebastian Mourra avatar
Written by Sebastian Mourra
Updated over a week ago

BYOK (Bring your own API key) is a feature in Alphana that allows you to use your personal OpenAI API key for certain AI tasks within the platform. Here's what you need to know:

What is BYOK?

  • Use your own OpenAI API key in Alphana

  • Apply your key to specific AI-powered features within the platform

Why use BYOK?

  • Potentially save money if you frequently use Alphana

  • Get the latest OpenAI models and features directly

Things to consider:

  • You'll need to manage your own OpenAI account and credits

  • Using your own API key might lead to usage limits, requiring you to contact OpenAI directly for assistance

Our recommendation:

  • Most users should stick with Alphana's AI credits for easier management

  • BYOK is best for those who want more control or have specific requirements

Key Points

When you add your OpenAI API key, the following items will use your key instead of Alphana's AI credits:

  • Text generation (input and output tokens)

  • Prompts used in AI cards

  • Custom instructions (Global and App-Level)

  • AI images

Actions that still deduct Alphana credits:

  • Transcription

  • Video downloads

  • Extracting thumbnails

  • Possibly other actions in the future

For details on how AI credits work, you can click here.

How it works

  • Add your OpenAI API key in the API section of Alphana

  • If you remove your API key after creating a project, a popup will appear for actions that require the key

  • Without your own API key, Alphana defaults to using its credits

  • If your key is invalid or expired, you'll receive a message and won't be able to create new projects until you add more credits to your OpenAI account or remove your API key from Alphana

This revised version maintains all the key information while reducing repetition and improving readability.


Q: How do I add my OpenAI API key to Alphana?

A: You can add your OpenAI API key in Alphana by clicking on Settings, then navigating to the “API” section.

Q: What happens if I run out of credits on my OpenAI API key?

A: If your OpenAI key has expired or run out of credits, you won’t be able to create new projects (apps) in Alphana. You’ll see an error message. To create new projects, you’ll need to either add more credits to your OpenAI account or remove your API key from Alphana and use Alphana’s AI credits instead.

Q: Can I switch between using my own API key and Alphana’s AI credits?

A: Yes, you can switch between using your own API key and Alphana’s AI credits. If you remove your API key after creating a project or app, you’ll see a popup for actions that need the key. Without your own API key, Alphana will use its AI credits as usual.

Q: How does using my own API key affect the cost of using Alphana?

A: Using your own OpenAI API key means that certain actions won’t consume Alphana AI credits. These include text generation, prompts used in AI cards, custom instructions, and AI images. However, some actions like transcription, video downloads, and extracting thumbnails will still deduct Alphana AI credits.

Q: Are there any security concerns with adding my OpenAI API key to Alphana?

A: Alphana takes appropriate measures to protect your API key. However, it’s always a good practice to be cautious when sharing API keys with any third-party service.

Q: What’s the difference between Alphana AI credits and OpenAI API usage?

A: Alphana AI credits are used for specific actions within the Alphana platform, such as transcription, video downloads, and thumbnail extraction. OpenAI API usage, when you provide your own key, covers text generation, AI images, and other AI-related tasks without consuming Alphana AI credits.

Q: Can I use my OpenAI API key for some features and Alphana AI credits for others?

A: When you add your OpenAI API key to Alphana, it will automatically be used for text generation, AI images, and related tasks. Alphana AI credits will still be used for specific actions like transcription and video downloads. You cannot choose which features use your API key versus Alphana credits - this allocation is predetermined by our platform.

Q: What happens to my projects if I remove my API key after creating them?

A: If you remove your API key after creating a project or app, you’ll still be able to view all previously generated content within that project. However, you won’t be able to generate new content unless you re-add the same API key that was originally used. If you prefer not to use your own API key anymore, you can create a brand new project with your video, which will then use Alphana’s AI credits for content generation.

Q: How can I check my OpenAI API key usage within Alphana?

A: Alphana does not provide a way to check your OpenAI API key usage within the platform. To view your usage, you’ll need to log in to your OpenAI account directly. Alphana only displays the usage of its own AI credits, not your personal OpenAI API usage.

Q: Are there any limitations to using my own OpenAI API key with Alphana?

A: The main limitation to be aware of is related to key expiration or credit depletion. If your OpenAI API key expires or runs out of credits, you won’t be able to create new projects or apps in Alphana. To resume creating new projects, you’ll need to either replenish the credits on your OpenAI account or switch to using Alphana’s AI credits. It’s important to monitor your OpenAI API usage to ensure uninterrupted access to Alphana’s features that rely on your personal API key.

Q: What should I do if I encounter issues with my OpenAI API key, such as hitting rate limits?

A: If you encounter issues like hitting rate limits with your OpenAI API key, you have a few options:

  • Contact OpenAI directly to request a rate limit increase.

  • Wait for some time and try again later when your rate limit resets.

  • Remove your API key from Alphana and switch back to using Alphana’s default key, which generally has much higher rate limits.

  • If problems persist, contact Alphana support for further assistance.

Note: We highly recommend using Alphana’s default key to avoid these potential issues and ensure uninterrupted access to our features.

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